Edes Viking

Edes Viking

Horse - 2 year old
Winning bid: (excl. VAT) 10 000 SEK
Number of bids: 1 History
Time left: Completed
Bjurman, Therése
Seller: El & Kraft i Stöde AB
The auction ended 3 January 19:32
Winner: Bjurman, Therése

Horse type 2 year old

Gender Stallion

Born year 2023

Reg. no. 23-0366

Father Ingbest (NO)

Mother Vindis

Grandfather Järvsöviking

Svensk Travsport



Mormor Pålsteggas avkommor: 192 starter 10 segrar, 700 000 insprugna.


Hämtas enl ovan.

Veterinary certificate/Document

Intyg Edes Viking, med signatur.pdf


Approximate geographical location where the object is located