Gleam’s Design

Gleam’s Design

Horse - Foal
Leading bid: (excl. VAT) 95 000 SEK
Number of bids: 23 History
Time left: Completed
Selected Sales
Seller: Selected Sales
The auction ended 10 January 19:38
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Horse type Foal

Pregnant with Six Pack (ingår)

Gender Mare

Born year 2020

Reg. no. 20-2520

Father Readly Express

Mother Goodbye Girl

Grandfather Andover Hall

Svensk Travsport



5-åriga Gleam’s Design (S) Efter READLY EXPRESS (S) och GOODBYE GIRL (US) Gleam’s Design är ett ungt fölsto efter Readly Express och Goodbye Girl som är efter Gleam, Dan Patch, Nova 3-Year-Old Trotting Filly of the Year in 1994. Gleam vann 19 lopp och körde in 587,858$. Gleam har lämnat 5 vinnare bland andra Malabar Mist som körde in 320,396$. Goodbye Girl har haft 8 föl, Derbyfyran Global Wise Guy är den mest framgångsrika. Själv har Gleam’s Design fått ett föl, en Rebuff hingst född 2024. Dräktig med Six Pack (US) ($1,939,604, 1.07,8/1:49.1) Efter MUSCLE MASS (US) och PLEASING LADY (US). Vinnare av : • The Stanley Dancer (1:50.0) World Record • The Kentucky Futurity (1:49.1) World Record • The Allerage Open Trot as a 4-year-old (1;49.2) World Record • TVG Open Trot as a 4-year-old (1:50.0) Track Record • The Yonkers Trot • The Empire Breeders Classic • The Matron • Several divisions of the NYSS as a 2-year-old and 3-year-old Har börjat en framgångsrik karriär som avelshingst med avkommor som Nordic Catcher S - $239,963 vinnare av NJSS Final 2 YO C&Gin 1:53.3M, 1.10,6 på The Meadowlands och obesegrade Gourmet d’Arc vinnare av of 2 y/o Breeders Course finalen. Beräknat földatum är den 7 maj 2025. Levande fölavgift på 7.500 dollar är betald. Plats: Saeby, Danmark. OBS! Veterinärintyg saknas. Det ska visas upp och godkännas av eventuell köpare innan affären anses vara fullföljd. 5-year-old In Gleam’s Design (S) By READLY EXPRESS (S) out of GOODBYE GIRL (S) Gleam’s Design is a young broodmare by Readly Express and Goodbye Girl who’s a daughter of Gleam, Dan Patch, Nova 3-Year-Old Trotting Filly of the Year in 1994. Gleam won 19 races and made 587,858 $. Gleam has produced five winners, remarkably Malabar Mist who made 320,396$. Goodbye Girl is the dam of 8 horses, among them Derby fourth  Global Wise Guy. Gleam’s Design had her first foal in 2024, a Rebuff colt. In Foal to SIX PACK (US) ($1,939,604, 1.07,8/1:49.1) by MUSCLE MASS (US) out of PLEASING LADY (US) Three Time World Record Holder and 2018 Dan Patch 3-Year-Old Trotting Colt of the Year. 58 horses of his first crop of 85 hit the track as a 2yo last year, 68%, among them 29 winners. The filly Sunkist Beauty won a New Jersey  Sires Stakes and also the New Jersey Classic at the Meadowlands in 1.11.0 ($ 97.000). His fastest 2y winner was Mr. Bluebird, 1.10.3 at The Red Mile in Lexington. His second crop 2022 in US and Europe has already proved their talent Nordic Catcher S - $239,963 won NJSS Final 2 YO C&Gin 1:53.3M, 1.10,6 at Meadowlands and undefeated Gourmet d’Arc winner of 2 y/o Breeders Course final in Sweden. Estimated to foal in 2025-05-07. Stud fee 2025 of 7.500 dollars included. Location: Saeby, Denmark. Note! The veterinary certificate is missing. It must be presented and approved by the potential buyer before the transaction is considered complete.


Plats: Saeby, Danmark.


Approximate geographical location where the object is located