Table of contents
- The subject of the Agreement
- Definitions, etc.
- The relationship between the Actors according to the Agreement
- The mediation service
- Terms related to the mediation service
- Rules related to sales through the mediation service
- Specifically about Auction
- Fees and commissions related to the mediation service
- Payment terms, etc.
- More about the relationship between the Parties and terms for sale/purchase
- Specifically about Share Horses
- Personal data
- Miscellaneous
- Force majeure and limitation of liability
- Disputes, contact information, choice of law, and court
1. The subject of the Agreementt
1.1. Avtalet syftar till att redogöra för de villkor som gäller för TR Media AB:s (org nr. 556078-5114) förmedlingstjänst TR Auktion för Köpare och Säljare som nyttjar Förmedlingstjänsten, samt därutöver reglera avtalsförhållandet mellan Säljare och Köpare som deltar i Auktion eller försäljning/köp på Marketplace. Detta innebär att Säljare och Köpare sinsemellan är bundna av de avtalsvillkor för köpet som här anges, såvida de inte själva överenskommer om annat.
2. Definitioner m.m.
By Agreement is meant this agreement concerning the terms for the use of the mediation service as well as the terms of the contractual relationship between the participating parties (Seller and Buyer) for the purchase and sale of horses or other Objects that take place through the mediation service.
By Buyer is meant a natural or legal person who places bids on the objects available for sale through the mediation service.
By Seller is meant a natural or legal person who lists objects for sale through the mediation service.
By Mediator is meant TR Auction, a part of TR Media AB.
By Party is meant Buyer or Seller who has reached an agreement regarding the sale or purchase of objects mediated through the mediation service. However, Party does not refer to the Mediator, who solely provides the mediation service.
By Object is meant horses or other items that are the subject of sale through the mediation service, including Share Horses in cases where special terms do not apply (see further section 11).
By Price List is meant the Mediator’s current price list for the mediation service and other charges. The applicable price list is published on the Mediator’s website (, and it is the responsibility of the Actor to keep themselves informed and updated about it.
With the Mediation Service, it refers to the service provided by the Mediator for Buyers and Sellers through which Objects are bought and sold via Auction or the Marketplace.
By Marketplace is meant the part of the Mediation Service where Objects are advertised for 30 days and sold at a fixed price.
By Auction is meant the part of the Mediation Service where Objects are sold through an auction process.
By Actor can be meant both Mediator and Party or any other user of the Mediation Service.
By Share Horse is meant a horse that is owned and/or represented by a third party such as a limited partnership or another similar form of share ownership of horses. The sale and purchase of Share Horses are regulated by special terms; see further section 11.
By Mandatory Law or Regulations is meant such mandatory legislation that is in effect at any given time regarding services and sales/purchases under this Agreement, and which all Actors commit to comply with. Mandatory Law or Regulations shall always take precedence in the event that any provision of the Agreement conflicts with Mandatory Law or Regulations.
3. The relationship between the Actors according to the Agreement
3.1. Förmedlaren svarar enkom för Förmedlingstjänsten och utgör således inte part i det avtal som ingås mellan Köpare och Säljare av Objekt som säljes via Förmedlingstjänsten. Förmedlaren fungerar således enbart som en intermediär för en auktions- och marknadsplats av Objekt. Förmedlaren är inte del av Köpare och Säljares avtalsförhållande i annan utsträckning än som uttryckligen framgår av detta Avtal.
3.2. Förmedlaren äger inte de Objekt som utbjuds till försäljning genom Förmedlingstjänsten.
3.3. Förmedlarens uppdrag upphör när faktureringsunderlag avseende försäljningen skickats till Säljaren enligt p. 9.3 nedan.
3.4. Tvist med anledning av träffat köpeavtal mellan Parterna ska hanteras av Parterna själva. Parterna accepterar att eventuella anspråk och krav med anledning av köpeavtalet ej kan riktas mot Förmedlaren som står utanför avtalet. Förmedlaren kan ej heller medla i sådan uppkommen tvist.
3.5. Förmedlaren svarar ej för de Objekt som bjuds ut till försäljning genom Förmedlingstjänsten. Det innebär således att det är Parterna som enkom svarar förde uppgifter som publiceras, så som exempelvis men inte uteslutande Parternas personuppgifter, Objektets skick, objektsbeskrivning, Köparens betalningsmöjligheter osv. Vidare är det Köparens eget ansvar att vid behov vidta undersökning av det förmedlade Objektet. Förmedlaren vidtar ingen sådan undersökning och förvarar eller omhändertar inte förmedlade Objekt i något fall. Förmedlaren värderar inte heller Objekt före publicering.
3.6 It is the Seller’s responsibility to comply with Mandatory Law or Regulations to the extent required beyond what is stipulated in this Agreement (for example, but not limited to, mandatory rules in the Distance Contracts Act). The Parties are also responsible for all tax consequences of the contractual relationship between them, for example, but not limited to, value-added tax. The Mediator fully disclaims responsibility in this regard and cannot be held liable by either the Buyer or the Seller in this respect.
4. The Mediation Service
4.1. Förmedlaren svarar för Förmedlingstjänsten. Förmedlaren arbetar efter att Förmedlingstjänsten ska fungera utan problem och utan olägenhet för Aktör som nyttjar Förmedlingstjänsten.
4.2. Förmedlaren lämnar ingen garanti att Förmedlingstjänsten under alla omständigheter och förhållanden fungerar i enlighet med vad som avses enligt punkt 4.1. ovan. Detta innefattar bl.a. men inte uteslutande förbehåll för eventuella driftstörningar, oplanerat underhåll och liknande händelser. Förmedlaren har rätt att flytta eller avbryta en pågående Auktion utan att Förmedlaren svarar för direkt eller indirekt skada därav.
4.3. Förmedlaren svarar ej för sådan direkt eller indirekt skada som Aktör lider till följd av nyttjande av Förmedlingstjänsten. Med direkt eller indirekt skada avses bl.a. men inte uteslutande sådan skada som Aktör anser sig ha lidit till följd av att denne inte haft möjlighet att lägga ett bud vid ett särskilt tillfälle.
4.4. Vad som föreskrivs i punkt 4.1.-4.3. ovan påverkar inte sådant ansvar som följer av Tvingande lag och regler och som gäller för Förmedlaren. Vad som föreskrivs i punkt 4.1.-4.3. ovan påverkar inte heller sådant ansvar som följer av uppsåtligt eller grovt vårdslöst agerande från Förmedlaren.
5. Terms related to the Mediation Service
5.1. Aktör som önskar nyttja Förmedlingstjänsten måste vara minst 18 år, och skapa ett konto hos TR Media AB och godkänna Avtalet. Endast näringsidkare får använda Förmedlingstjänsten såvitt avser försäljning via Auktion. Övriga Aktörer, dvs. budgivare/Köpare eller Säljare/Köpare via Marketplace, kan vara såväl näringsidkare som privatperson. Aktör får inte sakna rättshandlingsförmåga eller på annat sätt vara olämplig att inneha ett användarkonto för nyttjande av Förmedlingstjänsten.
5.2 The Actor is responsible for ensuring that the information used to create the user account is correct and is obligated to update their information as needed.
5.3 The Actor may not use the Mediation Service without having accepted this Agreement through BankID in Sweden or equivalent services in Finland, Denmark, Norway, or another country.
5.4 For legal entities using the Mediation Service, it is required to register an organization number and that this Agreement, along with the other terms, is approved by an authorized representative of the legal entity.
5.5 The user account is personal to the specified Actor, and they may not hold more than one user account, create an account in someone else’s name, or transfer their user account. It is the Actor’s responsibility to ensure that no one else uses their user account to utilize the Mediation Service, and the Actor is responsible to the Mediator and other Actors for all actions taken using their user account.
5.6 Only the actual owner of the Object has the right to use the Mediation Service for sale. The Seller is responsible to other Actors for ensuring that the Object is the Seller’s property, that it is free from encumbrances, and that it is not subject to any compulsory or security measures.
5.7 The Mediator reserves the right to remove information or discontinue the sale of Objects at any time and to take necessary measures to prevent further dissemination of information that, in the Mediator’s opinion, is inappropriate or may be considered in violation of this Agreement, applicable legislation including animal husbandry regulations, or good practice. The Mediator also reserves the right to disclose information to comply with applicable laws or government decisions. However, this does not impose any obligation on the Mediator to conduct reviews.
5.8 If the Actor acts in violation of the above-mentioned or other terms applicable to the use of the Mediation Service and the registration of the user account under this Agreement, the Mediator has the right to immediately close the user account and deny the use of the Mediation Service, including shutting down ongoing auctions and/or removing bids placed. The Mediator also has the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and to claim compensation for any damage incurred by the Mediator due to the Actor’s breach of contract.
6. Rules related to sales through the Mediation Service
6.1. Vid försäljning på Auktion ska ett startpris alltid anges och publiceras, Minimipriser finns angivna på På Marketplace finns inget lägstapris.
6.2 Sale occurs to the bidder who has placed the highest bid (Buyer).
6.3 The Seller may, in the case of a sale at Auction, choose for Objects that are not sold to be automatically moved to 30 days of free listing on the Marketplace at a price specified by the Seller upon ordering.
6.4 The Mediator takes no responsibility for whether the Object is sold, either at Auction or on the Marketplace.
6.5 The Seller agrees not to sell the Object in any other way than through the Mediation Service while the Object is listed for sale through the Mediation Service. However, the Seller has the right to cancel the sale at any time before the Auction begins or, in the case of a sale on the Marketplace, before a purchase is finalized. Fees for canceled sales are regulated by the Mediator’s current Price List.
6.6 Objects listed for sale on the Mediation Service are always sold as-is, unless otherwise stated. The Seller is required to provide the following prior to the listing:
a) For horses: Independent veterinary certificate, not older than 7 days. In the case of pregnancy, this must be confirmed with a pregnancy certificate.
b) For shares in a breeding stallion: Copy of the share agreement with share number (share no).
For share horses: The specific terms applicable to the ownership form, such as company agreements and any supplementary agreements, as well as information about fees or other matters of interest to the Buyer.
6.7 Horses listed for sale on the Mediation Service must be vaccinated according to the Swedish Trotting Association’s vaccination regulations, or equivalent rules for horses other than trotters.
7. Specifically about Auctions
7.1 Auctions are conducted digitally on the Mediator’s website and physically at the Mediator’s premises located at Köpsvängen 26, 168 67 Bromma. Bids on Objects published on the Mediation Service can therefore be placed both digitally and physically on-site in the auction venue. Bids from bidders participating physically are registered by the Mediator.
7.2 The auction starts and ends at the time indicated on the Mediation Service (usually Sundays). Publication of Objects prior to the auction occurs according to what is specified on the Mediation Service.
7.3 Bids placed are binding. Therefore, a bid cannot be withdrawn. The Buyer is the bidder who has placed the highest bid. This bidder has thus automatically entered into a binding agreement with the Seller for the purchase of the relevant Object at the conclusion of the auction, which purchase is also governed by this Agreement unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.
7.4 Only bids placed on the Mediation Service digitally or physically in the auction venue at the Mediator, as per section 7.1 above, are valid. Bids made in any other way are without effect.
7.5 The current bidding interval is published on the Mediation Service both digitally and in the auction venue.
7.6 A preliminary end time applies for each individual auction. The end time for each auction is therefore dynamic to the extent that it is adjusted in accordance with incoming bids. The bidding time is extended after each new bid placed, as determined by the Mediator.
7.7 When the end time for the Object has passed, as published on the Mediation Service, a binding purchase automatically arises between the Seller and the Buyer who placed the latest bid.
7.8 If two identical bids are placed, the winning bid is considered to be the one placed first. The Mediator has the right to determine which bid is considered the final and winning bid.
7.9 The Seller may participate in bidding on their own Object, as long as it is done using the Seller’s own account. If the bidding ends with the Seller placing the highest bid and the Object thus remains unsold, a Withdrawal Commission is charged according to section 8. It is not allowed to manipulate the bidding through proxies or in any other way than the aforementioned bidding by the Seller themselves. The Mediator has the right to disregard bids that the Mediator deems non-serious or otherwise in violation of the rules.
7.10 The Mediator is responsible for notifying the Seller and Buyer that a purchase agreement has been concluded. Such notification is sent to each Party via the email address registered on the Mediation Service. However, the absence of such notification does not prevent the binding purchase from being established according to this Agreement.
8. Fees and commissions related to the Mediation Service
8.1. För att nyttjande av Förmedlingstjänsten fordras att Aktören erlägger en anmälningsavgift per Objekt enligt Förmedlarens vid var tid gällande Prislista. Anmälningsavgiften ska erläggas i samband med anmälan och är en förutsättning för att Objektet publiceras på Förmedlingstjänsten.
8.2. För det fall Säljare återkallar ett anmält Objekt fram till 48 timmar före aktuell Auktion utgår ingen annan avgift än erlagd anmälningsavgift. Vid återkallelse därefter utgår en extra avgift enligt Förmedlarens vid var tid gällande Prislista, att erläggas inom tio (10) dagar efter gjord återkallelse.
8.3. Provision på Auktioner utgår som auktionsprovision eller återropsprovision. På Marketplace utgår ingen provision utan endast anmälningsavgift.
8.4. Med auktionsprovision avses provision på försäljningssumman exkl. moms. Auktionsprovisionen framgår av Förmedlarens vid var tid gällande Prislista (säljprovision respektive inropscourtage). Gentemot Förmedlaren är dock Säljaren betalningsskyldig för hela auktionsprovisionen, enligt vad som framgår i avsnitt 9 nedan. Köparens del av auktionsprovisionen (inropscourtage) läggs på försäljningssumman och ska erläggas av Köparen till Säljaren i samband med betalning för Objektet, enligt vad som anges i de följande avsnitten. På angiven auktionsprovision tillkommer mervärdesskatt enligt gällande momssats.
8.5. Återropsprovision avser provision för osålt Objekt i det fall Säljaren själv har lagt högsta bud. Säljaren ska då erlägga återropsprovision i stället för auktionsprovision, enligt Förmedlarens vid var tid gällande Prislista. Pååterropsprovision tillkommer mervärdesskatt enligt gällande momssats. Återropsprovision kan aldrig överstiga 10 000 kr exkl. moms per Objekt.
8.6. Avgifter och provisioner som anges i Förmedlarens vid var tid gällande Prislista kan justeras av Förmedlaren med omedelbar verkan. Köpare och Säljare är skyldiga att själva informera sig om aktuella avgifter på
9. Payment terms, etc.
9.1. Anmälningsavgift erläggs i samband med anmälan enligt de betalsätt som erbjudsi Förmedlingstjänsten, och ska vara betald innan publicering sker.
9.2. Auktionsprovision och återropsprovision ska erläggas omedelbart efter avslutad budgivning enligt de betalsätt som erbjuds i Förmedlingstjänsten. Det åligger Säljaren att till Förmedlaren erlägga även Köparens del av auktionsprovision, vilken Köparen därefter ska erlägga till Säljaren. Förmedlaren tar inget ansvar för att Säljaren också får betalt av Köparen, utan Förmedlarens uppdrag avslutas i och med översändande av fakturaunderlag till Säljaren enligt p. 9.3 nedan.
9.3. Förmedlaren åtar sig att utan dröjsmål efter avslutad Auktion varvid försäljning kommer till stånd, underrätta Parterna om att avtal har kommit till stånd, samt till Säljaren utan dröjsmål översända faktureringsunderlag avseende köpeskillingen samt Köparens del av auktionsprovisionen, i samtliga fall exkl. moms. Underlaget ska även innehålla uppgifter om Köparen. Det åligger Säljaren att vid debitering gentemot Köparen lägga på ev. mervärdesskatt enligt gällande momssats, inkluderande att iaktta gällande skatteregler vid EU-försäljning och export i det fall Köparen har hemvist i annat land. Förmedlaren tar inget ansvar i skattemässigt avseende utan anger i faktureringsunderlaget alla belopp utan hänsyn till skatter och andra pålagor.
9.4. Förmedlarens rätt till provision och avgifter enligt avsnitt 8 och bestämmelserna i detta avsnitt gäller oaktat om köpet fullbordas eller ej. Förmedlarens uppdrag är genomfört och avslutat i och med översändande av faktureringsunderlag enligt p.
9.3 See above
10. More about the relationship between the Parties and terms for sale/purchase
10.1. Som angetts i avsnitt 7 ovan uppkommer bindande avtal om köp av Objekt mellan Säljare och Köpare som lagt högsta bud i och med avslutad Auktion. Vid försäljning på Marketplace uppkommer bindande avtal om köp av Objekt mellan Säljare och Köpare i och med Köparens lämnade köpanbud till för Objektet angivet pris eller Parterna på annat sätt överenskommer om köp och inte uttryckligen avtalar bort eller anger andra villkor än de som följer av detta Avtal. Detta avsnitt reglerar köpet mellan Parterna i de avseenden som inte angetts tidigare, och utöver vad som följer av tillämpliga rättsregler.
10.2 The Seller has full legal responsibility towards the Buyer regarding Objects listed for sale on the Mediation Service, including but not limited to responsibility for the information and images, etc., published on the Mediation Service or otherwise provided to the Buyer.
10.3. Förmedlaren kontrollerar genom Bank-ID på sätt som angetts i p. 5.3 ovan att Säljare vid både Auktion och Marketplace är identifierade, vilket även gäller Köpare vid Auktion. I övrigt ansvarar Parterna själva för eventuella ytterligare kontroller i detta avseende, vilket även gäller Parts betalningsförmåga etc. Förmedlaren svarar inte för att Säljaren har rätt att sälja Objektet, dock ansvarar Säljaren för detta i köprättsligt avseende gentemot Köparen.
10.4. Säljaren svarar för att ägarbytet registreras efter att Köparen erlagt köpeskillingen. Sådan skyldighet åligger ej Förmedlaren.
Delivery and payment
10.5 Delivery/pickup of the Object must take place no later than 10 days after the purchase is completed through the Buyer’s pickup, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The time for pickup is arranged with the Seller. The Seller has the right to require identification from the Buyer for delivery.
10.6 The purchased Object must be fully paid for at the latest at the time of pickup. The Seller is not obliged to hand over the Object before payment has been received. Payment is made by invoice if the Seller is a business operator, unless the Parties agree otherwise. If the Seller is not a business operator (which can only apply to Marketplace), payment is made via bank transfer or in another manner agreed upon by the Parties. It is the Seller’s responsibility to promptly send an invoice or other payment instructions to the Buyer after the purchase.
Ownership, transfer of risk, and delay
10.7 Ownership transfers upon payment. The Seller bears the risk for the Object until delivery has taken place, even if ownership has transferred through payment beforehand. However, if there is a delay in delivery and/or payment that is not due to any fault of the Seller, the Buyer bears the risk for the Object from the time the Seller has done what is required for the delivery to take place.
10.8 The Seller is responsible for continuing to care for the Object (including keeping the horse insured) even if the risk has transferred to the Buyer. The Seller is entitled to reasonable compensation from the Buyer for this care for the period after the risk has passed to the Buyer. Such compensation includes, at least (but not exclusively), insurance, feed, stable costs, veterinary care, and other expenses necessary for the care and maintenance of the horse in good condition. However, the Buyer bears the responsibility if the Object is lost, deteriorates, or is damaged due to an accident or any other reason not attributable to the Seller. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to keep the horse insured after delivery, unless the Parties agree otherwise.
10.9 If the Buyer does not pick up the Object on time and/or does not make payment on time, and this is not due to any fault of the Seller, the Seller has the right to terminate the agreement if the Buyer does not rectify the situation within three days after the Seller’s request. The Buyer has a corresponding right if the Seller does not fulfill their obligations to ensure the timely delivery of the Object.
Inspection after pickup and complaint
10.10 Once the Buyer has taken possession of the Object, it is their responsibility to conduct a thorough inspection of the Object within 14 days. For horses, a thorough inspection means conducting examinations that would be considered necessary during a customary and careful inspection of the specific horse, based on the circumstances and industry practices.
10.11 Complaints regarding defects that are discovered or should have been discovered during the inspection referred to in section 10.10 must be made by the Buyer no later than 14 days after the expiration of the period specified in section 10.10. Complaints made under this provision may only concern:
a) non-compliance with information provided before the purchase that can be assumed to have influenced the purchase, or
b) a significant issue that the Seller failed to inform the Buyer about, which the Seller knew or should have known, and which the Buyer could reasonably have expected to be informed about, or
c) a significantly worse condition than the Buyer could reasonably have expected, considering the price and other circumstances.
10.12 After the expiration of the complaint period specified in section 10.11, the Buyer may only claim a defect that they did not discover or should not have discovered during the inspection referred to in section 10.10, provided that the conditions specified in a)–c) of section 10.11 for claiming a defect are met and that the complaint is made within a reasonable time after the Buyer discovered or should have discovered the defect. However, this does not apply if the Seller has acted intentionally or with gross negligence.
10.13 In the event of cancellation or termination, the Buyer is only entitled to a refund of what has been paid, in exchange for the return of the Object.
Mandatory law or regulations
10.14 If the Seller is a business operator and the Buyer is a consumer, the provisions of the Consumer Services Act and the Distance Contracts Act also apply. Mandatory legal regulations take precedence over what is stated in this Agreement.
10.15 Sellers who are business operators are also aware that the Mediation Service is directed at both business operators and private individuals, and that Buyers of Objects may therefore be consumers. Each Party is individually responsible for complying with the legal regulations applicable under Mandatory Law or regulations, such as, but not limited to, the Consumer Sales Act or the Distance Contracts Act. The Mediator takes no responsibility for the consequences of Mandatory Law or regulations in this or any other regard and is only to be considered an intermediary in the contractual relationship for which the Parties themselves are responsible.
The Distance Contracts Act and the Right of Withdrawal
10.16 The Parties are aware that the right of withdrawal under the Distance Contracts Act (Act on Distance Contracts and Contracts Outside Business Premises (2005:59)) does not apply to purchases at Auction, as it is not an auction conducted solely at a distance. In cases where the right of withdrawal applies, the Seller is responsible for ensuring that the Buyer receives the information required by the Distance Contracts Act prior to the purchase.
10.17 For purchases between a business operator and a consumer that do not take place at Auction, and where no exception from the right of withdrawal applies under the Distance Contracts Act, the Buyer has the right of withdrawal in accordance with said Act. The Buyer must notify the Seller of the use of the right of withdrawal within the withdrawal period, which runs for 14 days from the day the Buyer takes possession of the purchased Object.
10.18 Notice of withdrawal must be sent to the Seller via the email provided by the Seller on the Mediation Service. The Buyer may also use the standard form available on the Consumer Agency’s website, The Buyer must provide their name, address, contact information, details of the Object, and other relevant information such as the bank account number for the refund, etc.
10.19 After exercising the right of withdrawal, the Buyer must return the Object to the Seller at their own expense within 14 days. The return must be made promptly and without delay. If the item was picked up by the Buyer, the return must be made to the same location. Returns cannot be made via cash on delivery. If the Buyer has not returned the Object within 14 days from the notification to the Seller about exercising the right of withdrawal, and the Buyer has thus not fulfilled their legal obligation, the Buyer will still be considered bound by the purchase, and no refund will be issued.
10.20 The Buyer bears the risk of the Object being damaged or lost and is obligated to ensure that the Object is cared for, packaged, and otherwise handled in such a way that it is not damaged during transport.
10.21 When the Seller has received the Object, the purchase price paid by the Buyer will be refunded by the Seller within 14 days, except for any reduction in the value of the Object caused by the Buyer handling it more extensively than necessary or due to damage for which the Buyer is responsible. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to provide the Seller with the bank account number for the refund, and the specified refund period will be extended if this is not done, by the amount of time needed for the Seller to process the refund.
10.22 The Seller has the right to refuse a new sale of the Object to a Buyer who has exercised the right of withdrawal for the Object in question. Any bids or purchase offers from such a Buyer may be disregarded when the Object is re-advertised.
10.23 If the Mediator determines that the Buyer is abusing the right of withdrawal, for example, by using it to avoid following through on purchases or otherwise influencing the bidding, the Seller, or other Actors in a manner deemed unacceptable by the Mediator, the Mediator reserves the right to shut down the Buyer’s account and access to the Mediation Service.
Disputes and applicable law
10.24 Swedish law shall apply to the relationship between the Buyer and the Seller.
10.25 Disputes between the Seller and the Buyer shall be handled by the Parties themselves, and the Mediator assumes no responsibility or assistance in such situations.
11. Special Terms for Shared Horses
11.1. Vid köp av Andelshäst gäller särskilda villkor som har företräde framför vad som i övrigt anges i detta Avtal. Köp av Andelshäst utgör rättsligt ett köp av en andel i ett kommanditbolag eller dylik ägandeform. Säljaren är skyldig att vid utannonsering av Andelshäst via Förmedlingstjänsten tillhandahålla de särskilda villkor som gäller för ägandeformen, såsom bolagsavtal och eventuella tilläggsavtal samt information om avgifter eller annat av intresse för Köparen. Köparen förbinder sig att i förväg ta del av och bekräfta de sålunda publicerade avtalsvillkoren för andelsägandet.
11.2 The special terms for Shared Horses apply, among other things (but not exclusively), to requirements for the Buyer to be approved as a co-owner, the timing of the transfer of ownership, exceptions from the right of complaint, additional fees for joining the co-ownership group, etc. It is of utmost importance that the Buyer gains a good understanding of the ownership form before bidding or submitting a purchase offer for a Shared Horse. The Buyer is responsible for conducting any investigations regarding the co-ownership form that they deem necessary to enter into a binding purchase agreement.
11.3 By purchasing a Shared Horse through the Mediation Service, the Buyer agrees to the contractual terms applicable to the specific Shared Horse, which are published in connection with the Object in question. There is no right of withdrawal or other possibility to rescind the purchase after a bid has been placed or a purchase offer has been submitted.
12. Personal Data
12.1. När en Aktör registrerar användarkonto hos TR Media bekräftar denne att den tagit del av TR Medias integritetspolicy. Köpare är införstådd med att namn på Köparen kommer att visas på Förmedlingstjänsten när vinnande bud avgjorts eller Objekt gått åter.
13. Miscellaneous
13.1. Om någon bestämmelse i detta Avtal är ogiltig ska den lämnas utan verkan. Detta gäller även del av sådan bestämmelse. Övriga bestämmelser i Avtalet äger fortsatt tillämpning.
13.2. Förmedlaren förbehåller sig rätten att när som helst ändra villkoren i Avtalet inkluderande priser och avgifter, med omedelbar verkan. Det åligger övriga Aktörer att hålla sig informerad om aktuellt Avtal, vilket alltid finns publicerat på Förmedlingstjänsten i aktuell version.
13.3. För det fall tvist uppstår avseende de tjänster som tillhandahålls av tredje part via Förmedlingstjänsten eller med någon Aktör som använder tjänsten, ska aktuell Aktör hålla Förmedlaren skadelös från krav och skador, oavsett om de är direkta eller indirekta, kända eller dolda, och som uppstår till följd av sådan tvist.
13.4 The Mediator has the right to transfer agreements made between the Mediator and another Actor, including all or part of the related rights or obligations, to a third party. If a transfer occurs, the Mediator will inform who has taken over the agreement, through a notice via email or publication on the website. The transferee has the right to provide the Mediation Service or similar services on another website. Other Actors than the Mediator do not have the right to transfer their rights or obligations under this Agreement.
14. Force Majeure and Limitation of Liability
14.1 The Buyer, Seller, and Mediator are exempt from the obligation to fulfill their part of the Agreement and from the obligation to pay damages if their commitments cannot be fulfilled at all or only at an abnormally high cost due to a natural disaster, terrorist attack, war, epidemic, pandemic, work stoppage, blockade, intervention by a public authority, or similar circumstances that are beyond their control and could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome.
14.2 The Mediator is not liable for damage, consequential damage, or costs that may be incurred by another Actor or user of the Mediation Service, regardless of the cause. The Mediator’s liability is in all circumstances limited to the fees paid by the Actor in connection with the Mediation Service, including commissions.
15. Disputes, Contact Information, Governing Law, and Court
15.1. Vid klagomål där berörda parter inte lyckas komma överens, har konsument bosatt inom EU rätt att vända sig till Allmänna reklamationsnämnden (ARN), eller Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm. Konsument kan även använda sig av EU-kommissionens plattform för klagomål som finns på EU-kommissionens webbplats.
15.2 Disputes between the Mediator and another Actor shall be handled in accordance with Swedish law and by a Swedish court. The Stockholm District Court shall be the court of first instance.
15.3 The contact information for the Mediator is as follows.
TR Media AB
Org. nr. 556078-5114
Box 11139
161 11 Bromma
This agreement and its accompanying terms were established on January 11, 2024. The latest edition was established on January 11, 2024.